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May 1, 2020

Savanna’s Thoughts on Covid-19| Senior Rep Team 2020

Whether you are for it or against it, everyone has an opinion about our “new normal” quarantine life. I asked each my Senior Reps how they felt about their senior year getting cut short due to the virus. Here’s what Savanna had to say.

My message to our class would be to not take anything for granted. You never know how much time you have with someone or in a certain place. No one thought March 13th would be the last day we would have of high school. No one thought our prom or graduation would be in jeopardy.


This year has taught me nothing is guaranteed or insured. we have been preparing for this year since we started school, to finally be the Seniors on campus; for OUR year and we thought nothing could take away our right to finish our education. School was always a constant and unwavering requirement in my life. If one of the most constant things in my life can be completely halted I know anything else can as well.

This pandemic has made me appreciate everything in my life from the customers at work that I see for 5 minutes a day to my best friends who I would be lost with out. In conclusion, what I’ve learned and what I hope as a class we’ve all learned is to just live in the moment of what life is giving us now.

I love Savanna’s real, raw emotions. We are thinking of you 2020 Seniors!!!



with love, 


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